【双语】你好!中国 | 为什么端午节要吃粽子赛龙舟?|屈原|节日|苍龙|五月|坚果

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【双语】你好!中国 | 为什么端午节要吃粽子赛龙舟?|屈原|节日|苍龙|五月|坚果
发布日期:2025-01-02 11:52    点击次数:188
端午节是中国首个入选世界非遗的节日,最初源于自然天象崇拜和神话信仰。The Dragon Boat Festival is China's first traditional festival to be included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list. It originally derived from the worship of natural phenomena and mythological beliefs.因五月初五正处于仲夏,苍龙七宿飞升于正南中天,处于全年最“正中”的位置,这是大吉大利的天象,所以在每年农历五月初五这天南方少数民族就会举行以龙舟比赛为主的活动。As the fifth day of the fifth lunar month falls in early summer, the constellation "Cang Long Qi Xiu" ascends to the zenith of the southern sky, occupying the most auspicious position throughout the year. This celestial alignment is considered extremely fortunate. Hence, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, ethnic minorities in southern China organize dragon boat races and related activities.而后战国时期爱国诗人屈原不忍目睹国破家亡,便投汨罗江自尽。人们为了寄托哀思,在每年的五月初五都会荡舟于江河之上,又怕江河里的鱼虾将其尸体吃掉,就向江河之中投入江米团,这便是五月初五端午节吃粽子的由来了。During the Warring States period, the patriotic poet Qu Yuan couldn't bear to witness his country's downfall and committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River. To commemorate him, people would row boats on rivers and lakes every year on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. To prevent fish and shrimp in the water from consuming his body, they threw sticky rice dumplings into the water. This tradition gave rise to the practice of eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.责编:易卓